Together We Can Make a Difference

PODS Charity (Parents Opening Doors)

Join PODS this September for sessions at Arthog Outreach (Wellington) and SkyReach (Town Park)! Sessions are every Monday at 4:45-6:15 and open for primary aged children and 12-25 years, alternating between the two venues and age groups.

Activities at SkyReach may consist of high ropes, quick jump, orienteering and crate stack. Activities at Arthog Outreach may consist of indoor Climbing, archery, orienteering, woodland/ stream adventure, bushcraft, crate Stack and abseil slope. Parent/carer attendance is required (as either participant or spectator). Bookings are essential via Ticketsource. Please email for more information.

Arthog Outreach 12-25 

Arthog Outreach Primary Age

SkyReach 12-25 

SkyReach Primary Age