Together We Can Make a Difference

PODS Charity (Parents Opening Doors)

Welcome to our Annual report which contains the financial reporting period April 2022 – March
2023. PODS was set up in 2008 as part of the aiming high for disabled children strategy from
central government, we are proud to be a completely independent organisation, led by parent
carers for the benefit of disabled children and their families.

As a grassroot, peer led charity our staff and volunteers have ‘real life’ experience, which gives
great insight to the challenges faced by the families we support. This enables us to provide vital
and appropriate support to families who have a child with a disability or additional need (aged 0
– 25 years) when they need it the most. We do this in a variety of ways, through our forum and
parent voice, befriending scheme, family groups and support sessions, children’s clubs and
sessions, inclusive events and activities, key worker support, sleep support sessions, sign posting
and weekly information ebulletins, coffee mornings with schools, workshops, and a training offer
to other organisations on disability and inclusion.

To read our annual report in full, please click here: PODS Annual Report July 2023