Buddy Scheme
We recognise how overwhelming and scary it can be for new and some existing families/parent carers to come along and attend family groups, events, workshops etc. So, we have developed a new PODS Buddy scheme to help with this.
We appreciate you may find it intimidating walking into a room full of people that supposedly know each other, worrying about where to sit, will anyone speak to you. This is where our Buddy steps in, they offer support to families/parent carers that may find it difficult to make that first step and attend a family group, workshop etc.
Our friendly Buddy will speak with you beforehand to make arrangements, they will then meet you outside or at the door, they will walk in with you and stay with you throughout to ensure you feel comfortable and not alone, they will introduce you to other members and help you to become part of the wider PODS family.
All our Buddies are parent carers, and have all had to make that first step at some point, so they know exactly how you feel and are there to support you with a kind and caring smile.
Please contact kerrie@podstelford.org or call 07309 753044 for more information or to request a Buddy.