Befriending Team
Meet the PODS Befriending Team, all Befrienders are Parent Carers themselves. They have the relevant lived experience and know what it’s like to receive a diagnosis for their child or young person and the challenges that come with it.

Tracey Tomlinson
I have been involved with PODS for just over 3years. When I first joined, I was nervous about what I was getting involved in but now I’ve made lots of friends whilst being involved lovely to see all members, welcome new people, have a cuppa and a chat, be there for anyone needing to talk.
I say to anyone if you are thinking about coming to any sessions or just fancy a cuppa, chat please do we are here for you and will make you feel so welcome.

Sarah Hall
I have been a Volunteer and Trustee with PODS since February 2023, these are roles that I greatly value and enjoy and feel proud to be involved with such a dynamic, wide reaching and highly effective organisation. Prior to taking on these roles I worked as a Team Leader with Telford and Wrekin Children’s Services for several years, having worked closely with PODS as a professional, this experience inspired me to become further involved with PODS following a change of career. My involvement with PODS as a professional gave me insight and a good overview of the diverse range of support that PODS provides in the community and to families, however, becoming more closely involved through the roles of Volunteer and Trustee has opened my eyes further to the amazing levels of dedication, lived experience, knowledge experience and skills that the PODS team all provide. Being involved as a Volunteer has enabled me to take on a wide variety of experiences and opportunities including befriending, grant applications, sleep course, training, trips and events etc. As a Trustee I am proud to be involved in the governance and decision making within the organisation as part of a committed and passionate team of Trustees. I have gained and continue to benefit from additional knowledge and awareness from the time I spend with PODS, every session is a learning opportunity and widens my awareness. Overall I find my time with PODS always fills me with inspiration, energy, enriched perception and appreciation.

Tina Jarvis
Hi, my name is Tina I’m 42. I have been with my husband for 24 years. We have 3 children, a 17 year old daughter and two son’s age 7 and 9. All 3 of my children are SEN children. My work/volunteer background from the age of 18 has been with children and adults with Additional Needs.
I started Volunteering as a Befriender in 2019, but have been involved with PODS for a long time.

Bridie Jones
My name is Bridie, my role as a Befriender is supporting parents/carers and ensuring no one feels alone and in despair especially when the going gets tough.
It is very important to me to be there and help families take small steps to make positive changes. Having used PODS myself and having lived experiences with a child with an ASC diagnosis it was important for me to give something back to help and support others whether it’s a phone call to listen or offering practical advice or signposting to other services.

Robyn Cooper
Hello, my name is Robyn, I have a 8 year old who has been diagnosed with ASD.
I’ve been coming to PODS since 2022 when I was mentally suffering and at rock bottom, I reached out on the Facebook page and started using the Befriending Scheme, it really helped me to come back from a dark place. I started with just phone calls to then coming in for a chat and tea for an hour 1 to 1.
I then started coming in and doing different sessions such as crafts, knit and natter, cake decorating and Blists Hill visits. Everyone is so lovely and welcoming, it’s our safe space where there is no judgement.
I have started Befriending to help people who are currently where I was back in 2022. If you see me, please feel free to come and chat to me, I will talk and listen to anyone!
Fun little side note in case you’re not sure what to talk to me about, I enjoy plants of many kinds (indoor, gardening and aquascaping as well as animals and crafts. (I have a lot of animals at home). Or if you want to talk about how you’re feeling or what you’re going through right now that’s ok too.

Kerry Downes-Ward
Hi I’m Kerry, I wear many hats!
As a mum to 5, with 2 having additional needs. I also work for a charity organisation, offering advice and assistance.
Having the lived experience and knowledge, I give my time to PODS as being heard and supported is invaluable.

Natalie Martin
Hello everyone, my name is Natalie. I have three children, two girls and one boy. My eldest daughter is 13 years old, my other daughter is 10 years old and my son is 10 years old and no they are not twins, that’s a story for another time. I am currently waiting for my daughters diagnosis for ASD and ADHD, she also has sensory needs, learning disabilities, separation anxiety and afrid. My son is also waiting to be diagnosed with ADHD and severe learning disabilities however Rome was not built in a day.
I’ve been coming to PODS since 2021 as I was struggling with my own mental health as I got diagnosed with ADHD. I felt so alone, isolated and judged daily. So I found the courage to email Kerrie and ask her for some support, she was amazing. We both agreed that I would attend the social support group. I asked Kerrie if she would meet me in reception as I felt extremely nervous and anxious which she did however, after 10 minutes I felt like I was at home, meeting other parents/carers in similar situations and listening to their journeys made me feel welcome and my nerves floated away like a butterfly. PODS is not just a support group it is a family.
There is no judgement, everyone listens to each other, shows respect and kindness. I am so glad I emailed Kerrie. I have more understanding, awareness and knowledge with supporting myself, my children and others since joining PODS.
My favourite place to visit with PODS is Blists Hill as I like being outdoors and being on the go. I volunteer for PODS whenever they need an extra pair of hands as I want to give something back to them.
My role as a befriender is to actively listen, offer advice and signpost to other services if needed. If you ask me a question and I don’t know the answer I will be more than happy to find it out and let you know.
I find my time with PODS always fills me with positive energy, appreciation, knowledge and lots of fun.

Jaimie Guy
Hi, my name is Jaimie. I am mum to a seven-year-old daughter who is autistic and five-year-old son who has ADHD. I also have ADHD. PODS has been such an important part of my family’s journey over the last two and a half years. Being able to access the befriending service, social support sessions as well as the activities for my children has been amazing. My mental health has flourished, my confidence has grown. Having lived experience, I completely understand the challenges that families with additional needs face on a daily basis. Being able to access the befriending service in a safe, non-judgmental environment whilst talking to people who get it is wonderful
As well as my lived experience I have over 15 years as a professional working with children and families in various supportive roles. I have recently completed a BSc Hons degree in Psychology and child development which has given me an even deeper understanding of specialist areas of interest such as neurodiversity in adults and children.
When I do get some spare time I like to do creative, crafty things. I love the outdoors, being amongst nature too .I love animals, we have 2 dogs and 2 rabbits who also keep me busy!
I am proud to be a befriender, I take pride in listening to others, empowering them, providing support and just being there for them when they need it most. It is very important to me to give something back to this amazing charity PODS who give so much to others.

Matthew Downes-Ward
Hi I’m Matt, I’m a father of five children between the ages of 9 and 16. Two of which are on the Autism Spectrum, attending a mixture of mainstream and specialist settings. We are a blended family, with children from previous relationships, so I have a wide variety of experiences with both behaviour and those sometimes-difficult relationships.
Having first accessed PODS for support myself many years ago, I’ve gotten progressively more involved going from volunteering to now working for PODS as it’s Preparing for Adulthood Navigator.
I understand the importance of a supportive and a listening ear, and look forward to working with you.

Jenny Smith
My name is Jenny, I am 46 years old. A mum to 2 wonderful boys my oldest isn’t diagnosed but shows signs of ASD, my youngest is 14 he has Dyslexia and show us signs of ASD and ADHD.
I enjoy being a Befriender for PODS to support parents to be a listening ear when things get to much.

Rachael Clarke
my name is Rachael. I have 3 children aged 12, 10, and 4. My youngest has a
diagnosis of ASD and Childhood Development Delay. As well as having children, I
have 14 years experience in working with children and families. Having a child
with special needs feels like somebody has picked up your world, shook it, and
put it back down. The early years and diagnosis process was a confusing and
lonely time. I had very little support and found there were very few people who
understood. PODS was a shining light during this time; I am very proud to be
joining their team, and to being that support for somebody else going through
the same experience.