Back in 2021 Health funded us to undergo specialised sleep training to enable us to deliver Sleep Tight workshops to parent and carers to assist them in formulating bedtime strategies, to better improve sleep quality for the whole family.
We commenced delivery of the sleep training workshops in February last year, these initially run over 5 sessions, following on from feedback the course was restructured to be held over 3 sessions, parents/carers reported that this new format was more suitable.
The strategies and methods taught within the workshops are designed to both facilitate your child falling asleep and remaining asleep. They are derived from tried and tested methods that take into account children’s individualities and help you plan a routine that works for you and your family.
The course is 3 sessions long spread over 3 weeks, it is essential that all 3 sessions are attended, each one covers a different topic/aspect which will slowly allow you to build a plan that works for you. If you are interested in finding out more or to request a place, please email

This What Families Had to Say About the Course
“I am now feeling much more confident regarding the bedtime routine and positive that the changes I have started to put in place will continue and get easier.”
“I found this course very useful, some good information that I am taking away, thank you.”
“This course has given me a lot of information, especially understanding the sleep cycle. The course was very good and given a lot of ideas that I wouldn’t have even thought could affect my child when it came to bedtime.”