Together We Can Make a Difference

PODS Charity (Parents Opening Doors)

Following feedback from families who were awaiting an Autism assessment for their child or young adult about the challenges they faced and lack of access to support without a diagnosis the Challenges at Home sessions were developed.
They have been running for a number of years now and are as popular as ever, they are lead by an Educational Psychologist and supported by the PODS team. The sessions are designed for families to discuss home/life concerns and seek information and advice from Educational Psychologist team around emotional, behaviour, social, anxieties, routines, etc. We use these sessions to support families to find solutions together and share experiences and offer mutual support in a safe and supportive environment.
We have both daytime in person sessions at out Hub and evening online sessions available. They are open to families who have a child/young person undergoing assessment or on the pathway for Neurodevelopment conditions including Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, etc. aged 0-18 years from mainstream and special schools.

Some feedback from parent carers that have attended previous sessions.

“It was good to talk to other parents in similar situations. So you don’t feel you are the only one going through it”
“Helped me to find some control of our situation. Helped me to explore different ways of managing x. Very positive and empowering”
“Made me feel less lonely/isolated and know others have similar experiences”.
“Made me think more about ways to help my son”