Together We Can Make a Difference

PODS Charity (Parents Opening Doors)


Our small charity now supports in excess of 2000 families in Telford and Wrekin, without support and crucial income via fundraising, grants and donations both monetary and raffle prizes our charity simply cannot continue to fulfil the purpose it was intended. We are very proud of all the events and activities we manage to deliver for our families, however it takes a lot of hard work and finances to get these off the ground and can only be accomplished through the generous support we receive.
Fundraising is also a great way to help promote our charity’s message, help get others involved and spread the word of the wonderful support we offer.
We also hold tombola stalls and raffles at our own events and host event evenings such as bingo, parties and Quizzes. We are always on the look out for new or nearly new items that can be utilised in our raffles and tombola stalls, so if you are having a clear out or have some unwanted gifts, please consider donating to us.


We are very proud of all the events and activities that we manage to put on for our families, however, it takes a lot of hard work to get these off the ground. Behind the scenes we have an army of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly, spending numerous hours filling in forms, attending meetings with potential funders, researching venues/events, networking and organising, and liaising with our dedicated supporters who are very generous with their donations. It is without a doubt that if it was not for this amazing bunch of people PODS would not be the success it is. 
